About Us

About Us

FYNE Playground

F.Y.N.E. (Find Your Novelty Edge) playground was born from the simple desire to provide a space for like-minded FUNKO POP toy collectors to come together… to be as enthusiastic, as passionate or as obsessed as they want about their POPs.

My infatuation with FUNKO POP figurines began with my love for the Big Bang Theory FUNKO POPs, where I was particularly enamoured by, yes, the Sheldon Cooper POP. This initial spark quickly blossomed into a full-blown passion for FUNKO POPs. Within 6 short but glorious months, my collection grew from 0 to 685…

Meanwhile, I began discovering the fun of customising my FUNKO POPs – such as masking up some of my POPs to represent the global “new normal”. In a process riddled with trial and error, I not only stumbled upon many tips and tricks but also discovered the joy of connecting with avid toy collectors like myself.

If you’re reading this, chances are I’m speaking to a fellow FUNKO POP aficionado (Hi!). Here, I’ll be sharing my experiences and I invite you to do the same – feel free to showcase your prized toy collections, exchange fun facts and share the tips and tricks you’ve accumulated in your FUNKO POP collection journey. Have fun!

About us

Watch the Squid Game Funko
Toy Animation:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Unboxing Squid Game Funko Pop
Click Here